How recharging my hair will recharge my life

Freewheeling-Mahafreed Irani
Freewheeling by Mahafreed Irani

Hair needs care
Hair shows health
Hair complements beauty
Hair is everyone’s crowning beauty
So it is everyone’s duty
Male or female – let your hair be the center of your personality.
I’ve tried hair treatments galore and yet seen my hair has dandruff and my tears fall to the floor.
Egg yolks I applied
And my head smelt like an omelette
Mehendi made it dry
And also made me cry because it was so futile
Beer is good for hair treatment
Said my friends
So I used it expansively
And it emptied my wallet expensively
At night I suffered massages of hot oil
And tied my head in warm towels
And felt uncomfortable in the heavy coils
I just want to be free
Of tension to care for my hair
I want 2014 to be the beginning of problem-free haircare
So I hope Sunsilk lives up to their image
And I get a chance
To avoid all the special steps to prevent damage
Waterworld has always been a no
The chlorine would damage my hair so
Mumbai local train rides I have undergone
With a long scarf to cover my hair
And keep it safe from the dust,
And the sweatiness that I have borne
When I travel in Mumbai locals
And perspire among the crowds
I want my crowning glory
To be smooth and silky and shiny
And stand up among the crowds
All my friends wear a scarf and a hat to cover their hair
To save it from the sunburn, the dust, the wind and the perm
I want a recharge from Sunsilk, freedom from a scarf or a hat
To ride my cycle happily
And let my hair relax
To enjoy a bus ride
Along traffic jams
And listen to my iPod
As I relax at the open window
Not worrying to shade my hair
Because Sunsilk has done it for me
When I visit Waterworld,
I’ll be a mermaid true
Let no worry be for my tresses
For Sunsilk protects my hair
And lets me enjoy the water rides
Without a care
For all these little things I enjoy
I hope Sunsilk will help me
To recharge my daily routine
And make it special and fun.

Braving the waters by Mahafreed Irani
Braving the waters by Mahafreed Irani

This blog post is an entry for the contest. First prize is a Vespa :—)

One comment

  1. Most people I talk to don’t know that shampoos that grow your hair faster and longer (obviously without any sulfates, parabens or DEA) are a thing. We can now achieve longer hair and attain more possibilities. Undoubtedly worth researching.

    If you’re considering alopecia, damaged hair, preventing scalp disorders, fast hair growth, hair and scalp care normally, almost the same ideas come to mind.

    For the most part, you will want to avoid hair products and treatments that include chemicals like parabens, DEA or sulfates.

    What is good for your hair is good for your skin all the same.

    It goes without saying the content above hits the nail in the head for various reasons. It stays away from the accustomed traps and pitfalls most fall into: getting horrible alternatives. Keep it up!


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